Integrating AuctionWriter catalogs to Auction Flex 360 can seem challenging at first, but it quickly becomes a straightforward process. This guide provides concise, step-by-step instructions to help you transition smoothly and make the most of your auction management tools.
Step 1: Export Your AuctionWriter Catalog
Begin by navigating to the Catalogs section in AuctionWriter and selecting Export. A modal will appear with several options for exporting your data.
- Recommended Setting: In most cases, choose Data & Images for the export option. This ensures that both your catalog data and associated images are included.
- Select Target Platform: Use the dropdown menu to specify the software you’ll be importing into (in this case, Auction Flex 360). This step ensures that the files are organized and named correctly for compatibility.
Click Export to generate a compressed file (.zip) containing your catalog data and images. Locate the file on your device, which will most likely be in the Downloads folder.
Unzip the File:
- On Mac: Double-click the .zip file or right-click and select Open.
- On Windows: Right-click the .zip file and choose Extract All from the menu.
- For more detailed instructions, see our guide to unzipping files on Mac and Windows.
Verify the Export:
- After unzipping, you’ll see a .csv file for the catalog data and a folder containing your images:
- Open the .csv file in spreadsheet software (Excel, Google Sheets, Numbers, etc.) to verify the organization of your lots and images.
- Pay close attention to the top-row headers. These headers map your data fields to Auction Flex 360 during import.
Step 2: Import Data to AuctionFlex360
Open Auction Flex 360 and Create a New Auction
Log in to your Auction Flex 360 account and create a new auction. Once the auction is set up, navigate to the PreAuction section, and then select the ‘Lots’ page. Click Import Lots.
Upload Your .csv File
- When prompted, choose your exported .csv file and upload it.
- Click Go to Next Step to proceed.
Map Fields in Auction Flex 360
- A window titled Field Mapping will appear. This is where you match the columns in your .csv file to the corresponding fields in Auction Flex 360.
- The system will automatically suggest mappings for common fields, but you should verify each mapping to ensure accuracy. Adjust any incorrect mappings manually.
- Pro Tip: Any fields that you do not want to include (ex: Low Estimate, High Estimate), simply select ‘No Mapping’ so that Auction Flex 360 will ignore this data during import.
- For AuctionWriter, the following settings are ideal:
- “Lot Number” should map to the Lot Number field.
- “Title” should map to the Title field.
- Important Note: Auction Flex 360 limits titles to 50 characters during import. This limitation is not ideal, but it only applies during the initial import process. You can manually add any additional characters after the import is complete.
- “Description” should map to the Description field.
- “Low Estimate” should map to the PresaleEstimateMinEach field.
- If you do not want to include the estimate, map to ‘No Mapping’.
- “High Estimate” should map to the PresaleEstimateMaxEach field.
- If you do not want to include the estimate, map to ‘No Mapping’.
- “Consignor ID” should map to the SellerCode field
- “Quantity” should map to the Quantity field
Complete the Lots Import
- Once the field mapping is complete, click Next Step.
- Select Start from Row and make sure that the number field is placed at 2.
- This will prevent Auction Flex 360 from attempting to import the first row (headers) as an auction item.
- Finally, click Import to finish the process. A confirmation message will indicate the success of the import.
Tips for Optimizing the Import Process
- SellerCode Mapping: The SellerCode field looks for existing customers in your Auction Flex 360 account. To use this mapping, ensure that consignor profiles are created in Auction Flex 360 before importing your AuctionWriter catalog.
- Pro Tip: Create consignor profiles before generating your auction in AuctionWriter. This ensures the SellerCode and Consignor ID fields match from the beginning, streamlining your workflow.
- Reuse Mapping Settings: Save time by checking the Use Last Import Mapping option. This feature automatically applies your previous mapping settings, so you don’t need to manually map each import file.
Step 3: Import Images to Auction Flex 360
After mapping the fields, you’ll need to ensure the associated images are properly imported. The images should be formatted and located in the folder that was exported and unzipped alongside your .csv file.
Upload images:
- Navigate to the PreAuction section, and then select the ‘Lots Images’ page.
- Click Select Lot Images… and locate your unzipped image folder.
- Make sure to select all images in the folder. Then, click Open.
Pro Tip: Use the shortcut Ctrl + A (Windows) or Cmd + A (Mac) to quickly select all images.
Import Images:
- The next screen will display the selected images along with various tools to help organize the data.
- Thanks to AuctionWriter’s cataloging software, lot numbers and display order should automatically match, but these fields can be manually updated in Auction Flex 360 if needed.
- Pro Tip: Select Skip Duplicates in the upper right, to ensure a clean catalog.
- Click Upload in the upper-left corner to start the import process.
Auction Flex 360 will display the upload progress and the status of each image.
Tips for Optimizing Image Import:
Ensure your computer remains on and connected to the internet during the import. Locking the computer is fine, but avoid letting it go to sleep, as this will pause the process.
- Resume Import: If your computer does go to sleep, simply wake it up to automatically resume the import. A stable internet connection is essential for seamless resumption.
- HiBid Integration: You can upload the auction to HiBid while the image import is still in progress. However, only the images imported up to the time you click Upload Auction will be included. If additional images are imported later, re-upload the auction after the import finishes to include them.
By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate AuctionWriter catalogs into Auction Flex 360, streamlining your auction preparation and listing process. If you encounter any issues or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We’re here to ensure your success every step of the way.